Being a blogger almost means that you are updated when it comes to technological topics. Nowadays, besides current events, trends like technological advancement have been the constant topic. Every time a new smartphone model comes up, you can be sure that one or more bloggers will upgrade to that model and will most likely write about it.
A blog is like a public library and just by simply inputting search keywords, you can be sure that a blog entry has been already written about it.
Smartphones and other blogging equipments are considered to be the extension of the user making it more personal. They pocket size so you can bring them anywhere you may go. Tablets are also portable and mostly used on leisure time. It is much easy to imagine life without tablet that living without a smartphone.
But, for this post, we are expounding the use of both the smartphone and the tablet as devices for blogging.
1. As a blogger you should be aware that a website format changes from medium to medium. Mobile search on your smartphone has an extension of “.mi” on the website, making the texts smaller and the video contents more limited.
Searching via tablet also presents a different scenario. It has bigger texts but also has limited video suggestions. Watching longer video content or having an enjoyable online shopping experience is much more suited towards a tablet than it is on a smartphone.
As a blogger, one of your concern when writing online is how will it look like when a different medium is used. And so you need to make sure that your article is always readable through any medium. You can use your tablet and smartphone to compare your displayed work and improve on the things to increase your blog’s readability through any media.
Check Google analytics. It helps you check the regular activities on your blog site. This program also gives information whether your readers use zoom in and zoom out to read your manuscripts.
2. Bloggers should be aware that there are different processes involved when posting comments on a desktop computer and a smartphone or tablet. You should check your blog’s commenting system. Mobile internet surfing is still undergoing developmental changes and so users may have trouble posting their insights. Comments are important to bloggers. It shows reader’s feedback and helps evaluate the timeliness and relevance of your chosen topic.
So check your commenting system through your smartphone and tablet to personally assess the feedback system.
Also try to respond to comments via smartphone or tablet. Through this, you’ll get the feel for your own site’s mobile commenting system.
3. As stated earlier, mobile searching is in a middle of development so search results are limited. You can use this to your advantage; you can add or lessen keywords on your title hoping that eventually you will be on the first page or maybe the first three pages on Google search results.
4. Use your phones and tablets full potential by installing apps. Smartphones are identified by their amazing capacity to run applications. Also, add apps to your blog or create your own and have your very own subscribers.
All in all, using tablets and smartphones for blogging will help you improve your blog since you are putting yourself on the reader’s shoe to feel and see what you may consider as imperfections.